PSBH North
3226 Hidden Timber Drive
Orion, MI 48359
(248) 499-6630
After Hours (248)454-9000
Prescription Refills & Referral Requests
Prescription Refills
Please allow 48 hours for prescription requests to be processed.
We will call you when the prescription has been called in to the pharmacy
ADHD medication refills cannot be filled if the patient has not had a doctor
recheck within the last three months
Any request for a change of ADHD medication (i.e. increase, different script) needs
a recheck with a doctor before a new script can be written
Referral Requests
All Blue Care Network patients need a referral for any specialist visit. Please notify us at least one week before the appointment date. Provide us (if possible) with the following information in order to process the referral:
Name and birth date of patient
Name of referred doctor
Reason for visit
Date of visit
Referred doctor's phone/fax number